It's been awhile since I've posted anything. As you can tell by the picture above, it has been very cold in Grenoble since we've been back. In fact it's been so cold that Gabriella actually asks for her hat and gloves as we are leaving the house. Lol, and that's saying a lot if she's wants a hat! Gabriella is doing well, she's growing up too fast. She's been so sick lately, so she's had a rough few weeks. But hopefully she'll start feeling better soon. She has become such a kid since we've gotten back to Grenoble. She talks in sentences now and even likes to pick out her own clothes in the mornings. Here are a few of her favorite things right now:
- Cooking, she has to help with every meal
- Playing with her friends
- Picking out her clothes and hair bows in the mornings
- Going for walks with out her stroller
- Kittens
- Dogs
- Going shopping and trying on jewelry or shoes
Trevor is back to the grind with school again. It was a slow start after Christmas break, but this program never lets us down and he is back to being crazy busy. He is enjoying it and trying to keep up with us and school. We just planned a trip to Prague and we leave this Friday. Which will be really fun except that it's supposed to be really cold! I guess we didn't plan that very well.
I'm doing well too, my laptop crashed a few weeks ago. So we invested in a new one, in the picture above Gabriella is trying to sneak her fingers on the keyboard since we've told her she can't push buttons on this one. Lol, she's such a toddler.